Overcoming unhealed trauma with Lauren Brown, Part 2

As part 2 of this two-part interview continues, Lauren goes into depth about her anxiety. Not only did it affect her family but also her pockets as well. She had to file bankruptcy due to the multiple ER visits, ambulance rides, and blood work. Lauren’s body knew something was going on and was trying to protect her from it.

She eventually got depressed and didn’t want to leave her house because her anxiety caused her to fear everything. Finally, when enough was enough, Lauren sought professional help and is currently  on a 3-year journey to healing herself!

Take a listen as Lauren shares her story!

If you haven’t listened to part 1, go back and then return to part 2!

If you are struggling with unhealed trauma and would like to talk to Lauren Brown, you can reach her on Instagram at lownicole1289!

Click here to listen to episode!

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